ANC 5C Commissioners Manning, Montague, Bladensburg Main Streets Director Carlos Davis, attend Bladensburg Road DDOT Public Meeting 12/3/2022
Saturday, December 3, 2022. ANC 5C Commissioners Jacqueline Manning (5C04), and Jeremiah Montague, Jr (5C07), along with Mr. Carlos Davis (Bladensburg Main Streets) attended the Second Public Meeting/Open House sponsored by DDOT. The meeting, 9am-12noon, occurred at the Main Administration meeting room in the U.S. Arboretum. Presented were preliminary concepts for public review and comment…
El programa piloto de Calles Escolares Seguras es un programade prueba que incluye personal del Departamento deTransporte del Distrito (DDOT) y la comunidad escolar paracerrar temporalmente la cuadra de una calle cerca de la entradade una escuela en el Día Nacional de Caminar y Pedalear a laEscuela. Estos cierres están destinados a mejorar la seguridady…
Read MoreSafe School Streets, Pilot Program (Langdon Elementary School)
Safe School Streets Pilot is a trial program in which DDOT staff and the school community willtemporarily close the block of a street near the entrance to a school on National Walk and Roll toSchool Day. These closures are intended to improve safety, raise awareness of the school zone, andprevent crashes during the high activity…
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