ANC 5C01 District May 2021 Meeting Highlights
Good Day Everyone,
Below are the notes taken from the Tuesday, May 4, 2021 Single Member District (SMD) ANC 5C01 meeting. Some of the matters have been resolved or addressed such as the water flowing in the alley on Monroe Street and the construction company vehicles at Myrtle Ave and Clinton Street. We appreciate the quick and “Great Neighbor” responses from DOEE and M&M Construction, LLC regarding the concerns of the community.
Advisory Neighborhood Commission
Single Member District 5C01-Woodridge
P.O. Box 92352
Washington, DC 20009
Notes for Tuesday May 4, 2021
3200 Block Clinton Street, NE Washington, DC 20018
4:02 pm with seventeen (17) households represented.
4:02 pm with seventeen (17) households represented.
Our Guest, Ms. Brittany Butler, Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS), Ward 5 Liaison, began her session about 4:20 pm
Concerns and Answers
- Illegal dumping, speeding, and flowing water in the alley which runs from the 2800-3100 Blocks of Monroe NE (north side) without a break in the blocks.
- Continue making requests for removal of the junk via 311 or
- Have private cameras installed in the rear of homes; register the cameras with DC Police with a receipt of purchase; and, get reimbursed by the city. The cameras are instrumental in capturing faces, vehicles, and license plate numbers of the offenders, who will be fined.
- Department of Public Works (DPW) cameras are only installed at “hot spots” where dumping is enormous. It is unfortunate this alley does not meet the hot spots qualifications
- Request via DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) to have the alley designated as One-Way. A petition can be circulated to do so.
- A few years ago, DOEE installed a drainage system to capture what was then pooled water in the alley and directed the water to drains. This has prevented water from pooling and drifting into the basements of nearby homes. The drains also accept water from homes on Myrtle Avenue and the upper 3000 Block of Clinton Street. The water is drained into the Anacostia River.
- Abandoned, damaged, and unregistered autos and trucks in the 2800 Block Monroe Street, NE (south side), and in other areas of the community.
- Notify Parking Enforcement via 311 and The vehicles will be ticketed towed away.
- Ticketing and towing had been suspended due to the pandemic, but is now in full force.
- If you submitted a request for towing an abandoned vehicle prior to May 1, 2021, you must do so AGAIN via 311 or
- Commercial construction trucks parked in an illegal and hazardous manner on Myrtle Avenue and Clinton Street, NE. Some are parked during the day and overnight while in a residential zone.
- Notify Parking Enforcement to have the vehicles ticketed and towed via 311 or
- Commercial vehicles must have a parking permit to park temporarily during the day while servicing homeowners.
- Dump trucks must load, unload, and go while in residential zones. They cannot stay parked.
- At night, notify Parking Enforcement ROSA for ticketing and towing of commercial and out-of-state private vehicles parked in residential zones.
- Notify the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) regarding a business’ habitual parking violations as well as other violations.
- Illegal and noisy dirt bikes being driven recklessly on Myrtle and Central Avenues NE. Ms. Butler stated:
- She will meet with the command staff of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPDC)
- She will request Special Attention from MPDC for the area
- The community should participate in the MPDC’s Citizen Advisory Council (CAC) meetings. Meeting notices will be sent via the ANC.
- Neighbors suggested holding the parents monetarily accountable because the bikes they purchased for their off-springs are not registered or insured and the bikers are not licensed to operate such a vehicle in DC. This is in addition to the fact that it is illegal to operate mini bikes, ATV’s, or dirt bikes on any DC public property.
- Status of Traffic Safety Study on South Dakota Avenue, NE submitted one year ago. Ms. Butler advised:
- She would try to obtain an update
- It may need to be re-submitted Ms. Butler provided the following contact information for the Ward 5 MOCRS:
Ms. Brittany Butler Mr. Nokomis Hunter
Meeting adjourned 5:25 pm
Gail Brevard
Commissioner 5C01-Woodridge
SMD 5C01 Meetings are as-needed and normally outdoors at the site of the concern. Doing so provides folks with the opportunity to see and understand the concern rather than trying to visualize the specifics of the concern during an indoor meeting. Most folks bring seating, protective weather gear, and other comfort items to the meetings.
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